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Ch-ch-changes 🎶

EMSearchConsulting.com Is Now EMSC.com!

After seven years of dreaming about a shorter domain name, we finally obtained the domain of emsc.com! Gone are the days of emsearchconsulting.com, and our team couldn’t be more thrilled. Yes, it seems like a minor change, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t have a large impact on our own digital marketing efforts.

To that point, this is a great opportunity to talk about the importance of domain names. Yes, domain names are technically shortcuts that differentiate your site, but they are more than that. Here’s how a good domain name can help your site stand out and avoid getting lost in cyberspace. 

EM Search Consulting

Add Credibility to Your Small Business

Small and mid-sized businesses should invest in a quality domain name to help prove that their company is professional. While there are other, cheaper options, these options will detract from your credibility. If your URL features the name of a generic free hosting site, your audience may assume that you aren’t committed to creating a strong, reliable brand. 

Wait, Do Domains Need a Keyword?

Yes and no. Domain names that feature keywords for which your audience is searching are more likely to put your website at the top of search results. For example, if you search “how to write a blog post,” you’ll be inclined to click on howtowriteablogpost.com. However, Google updated its algorithm in 2012 to minimize low-quality websites that featured keyword-heavy domain names. Use keywords in your domain name sparingly. 

If you’re unhappy with your current domain name or if you are interested in learning more about how domain names impact digital marketing, our team behind emsc.com is an email or phone call away.

P.S.: Update your email’s address book as well, as our email addresses will change to @emsc.com!

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