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Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

With the exponential growth of digital marketing, it can be difficult to determine the dos and don’ts necessary to create the best content for your business. As a digital marketing company in Chicago, EM Search Consulting can help you determine the best ways to market your business. Whatever you do, avoid the following:

Confusing Personalization and Individualization

Personalization is key to creating any campaign but are you personalizing by just inserting your client’s name into mass-created content that you use for everyone? The difference between personalization and individualization is that individualization shows that you know your client and craft content specifically for them.

For example, you receive an email from your favorite store that addresses you by name. The email gives you a discount for something that has no relation to your shopping history. The email is personalized by addressing you in the beginning, but not individualized it because the discount doesn’t fit your shopping pattern.

Not Spending Time Creating Your Message

This is one of, if not the biggest, mistake that marketers make. They simply don’t take enough time to draft a well-written message before sending it out to the public. Carefully think through what a customer or client would want to know and then craft your message. Every blog post, social media update or email should be written clearly and convincingly.

The 80/20 rule is a common tactic that content creators use. Eighty percent of your content should be spent providing value to your audience while the other 20 percent should be used for promotional activity. This keeps your audience interested while also allowing a relationship to build organically between the client and the customer. Besides, we all know that shoving your product or service down your audience’s throat doesn’t end well.

Not Paying Attention to Your Analytics

Digital marketing campaigns require constant maintenance and oversight, meaning that you must regularly check your analytics. This doesn’t mean sweating day-to-day visitor metrics, but it does mean paying attention to the overall trends. It is extremely important to focus on the big picture when it comes to campaigns and performance.

If you’re unsure where to start with marketing for your company, let our digital marketing company in Chicago help. Contact EM Search Consulting today for a free consultation.


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