All-too-often, we run into businesses that fail to see the value in professional photography for their websites. We find sites with outdated pictures, low-resolution photographs, or otherwise poor quality images. Putting low-quality images on your business’s website sends the wrong message to your visitors. The way your website looks and functions is every bit—if not more—important than how your business’s physical location looks and functions. In many buying cycles, your website is your chance at a first impression with your potential customer. If you are presenting your business with low quality images, their perception of your business is going to suffer.
People, especially on the internet, make quick judgements. The way you come across as a business online is an instant factor in determining whether a user will trust you. Think about your own experience online—have you ever seen spam-y images and instantly stopped trusting a website? Users trust businesses that present themselves as professional—that includes the photography on the site.
Today’s online landscape is getting progressively more creative, more design-savvy, and more aesthetic. If you are not using professional photography on your businesses website, you are not even in the race with your competitors. Your business may be better in every way—better prices, better products, better service—but if you are found online, and a customer is choosing between your website–chock-full of tiny, low-res images–and your competitor who bit the bullet and hired a photographer, you can bet on the fact that they’re going to go with the company who looks more professional.
Presenting yourself well online is essential to getting business in today’s world. Professional photos and videos are an investment that your business has to make if you want to market yourselves effectively in this century—plain and simple.