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Website Hosting

For most businesses, website hosting is a second thought and often overlooked as a major component of their SEO strategy.

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Website Hosting

Most people that launch a website will always think of where they are going to host it, but never ask “why” they are hosting it there.

Most hosting decisions are based on low cost, such as Network Solutions or GoDaddy. The problem with these platforms are a) infrastructure and b) performance. Read on to learn more.

What is the difference between a traditional web hosting platform and a high-performance hosting platform?

After migrating your website to a high-performance hosting platform, the first thing you may notice is how much faster your website loads.

How does website hosting affect SEO?

Popular search engines, namely Google, have created search engine ranking algorithms so advanced that they can determine if it provides a good or poor user experience. While this is based on several factors, two really stand out:

  • Speed: How fast a website loads for a user.
  • Security: How safe a website is to browse. Is there malware? Has it been hacked?


A good website hosting platform provides higher website performance and security because of its information infrastructure and actual computing power. By having more efficient and reliable IT infrastructure, information you upload and download between your computer and a website may travel a shorter distance, making load times faster.


A solid infrastructure that is built for speed is great, but if it is not secure, then you are opening the doors to hackers, bad bots, malware and other attacks that can not only affect the user experience and uptime of your website, but can contribute to the detriment of your organic search engine ranking. If your website is hacked or infected with Malware, Google will in most cases flag your search engine results page listing with “Might be hacked” and even show a security warning in place of your site if someone happens to click on your listing. If left unresolved, Google will eventually remove your website from the search results index completely 💀.

How easy is it to migrate to a new website hosting platform?

If you’re like most businesses, your website was built on the WordPress platform. If this is the case, a website migration can be done in a few clicks with little to no web development time. 99% of our website migrations have been quick and painless, while 1% can vary in difficulty based a few factors such as CMS and programming language of the website. The good news is, we are good at solving problems and fixing things, so your website migration definitely is possible.


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