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What is an SSL Certificate?

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EM Search Consulting, a digital marketing company in Chicago, can help you secure your site for all potential customers and users.


My name is Todd Carter, I am a Senior Digital Consultant here at EMSC. And one thing I get asked about a lot out there when I am talking to business owners is, “what is this SSL certificate thing, and is it actually important to my business, and does it actually have any effect on my google rankings, and the quick answer to those questions is, yes it is important to your business and yes it does affect your ability to rank well will Google.

So, what is it? It is a digital certificate that validates the identity of your website and it also encrypts any information that is transferred between your site and your server. Essentially it establishes a secure connection between anyone’s browser and your server and your website.

So, what it looks like is up in the URL box, it goes from HTTP to HTTPs, which stands for secure and you also have the little lock that sits up next to it. What it means is any data that transfers through your site, say someone’s credit card information, or a patient’s information or a new prospect who is leaving their name and contact info all that will be safe and secure, so in that way it is very important to your business to protect that data and so you are never compromised.

Now does it also have an effect on SEO? Yes, it does. The reason being is that Google has made this layer of security a ranking factor which means that if you don’t have one in place but your competitor does, they will get preferential treatment by Google as they would be the safer option for them to rank in a high position.

So, in other words, if you are doing SEO without an SSL certificate it is kind of like having one arm behind your back and you’re not being competitive about it. Don’t worry, that’s one thing we do here almost every day, EMSC is helping people out with these SSL certificates. So please give us a call when you are done with this video, we can help you get that setup and moving in the right direction and thanks for visiting today. We greatly appreciate it.

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