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2019 Marketing Trends That May Affect Your Business Directly

With the rise of technological advancements, marketing trends are changing almost daily. It’s important to keep up with these changes as it can either negatively or positively affect your business. At EMSC, we stay on top of current marketing trends in order to help your business to gain meaningful interactions with customers. Here are some of the biggest marketing trends we’ve noticed this year.

Don’t Ignore SEO Trends

With today’s updated technology, it’s important to implement voice search tactics to help users find the right answers. Voice search is able to impact your organic rankings as it improves the user experience. For example, you can ask informational questions, but more than ever we are seeing conversational questions, too—“When does it open?” or “Where’s the closest coffee shop?” From voice search to featured snippets, it’s important to keep your business updated on how a user will interact with your brand.

Content is Everything

Content marketing will always have a strong impact on your business. When you have quality and engaging content, it allows for exposure and the ability for your customers to connect with your brand. Did you know that small businesses with an up-to-date blog receive 126% higher lead growth than those without one? At EMSC, we can help make sure any content you publish is relatable to your buyer personas and target audience.

Videos are Becoming More Important

While video marketing may not be a new concept, it is becoming increasingly more prominent. Videos can help businesses introduce their brand, product, or any offerings they may have. Pair videos with other channels such as chatbots and virtual assistants, and you’ll be sure to create a positive consumer experience. 

If you are looking to make some changes to your marketing concepts, contact EM Search Consulting today. With our many different facets of services, we are ready to help you get the most out of your tools.

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