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Google Certified Partners In Chicago

EM Search Consulting is proud to be a Google certified partner. For the past several years we have been certified in adwords, analytics, display advertising and much more. This means we have taken all the test and passed all the proper protocol to run intelligent internet marketing programs for our clients. We are also proud to announce that we rank in the top 5% of all Google partners across the United States. This means that when you hire us to manage your pay-per-click advertising you know you are getting a knowledgable partner that has preformed better than the rest. Besides being named in the top 5% of Google certified partners we also offer a well rounded approach to your digital advertising needs that goes beyond traditional pay per click advertising. We offer a top-tier Search Engine Optimization program with over 75 satisfied current clients as well as remarketing, website design and much more. If you are looking for a local Chicago company to take your business to the next level of digital marketing please contact us today. All of our Chicago clients receive face to face interaction with their sales reps and are given all the attention necessary to help them succeed to because industry best. We also work with companies outside of the State but unfortunately we only get to have in-person interactions with them once or twice a year.

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