You’ve done the heavy lifting when it comes to writing a blog or developing new information, so why let that information live on just one part of your site? Getting your info out there does not have to stop when our digital marketing company in Chicago posts it to your page. Distributing a post through other blogs, business associates or the press can increase the network you are reaching. Amplifying starts with not only utilizing your own network but by connecting with peers, leaders in your industry and the press. Through these channels, you will be able to not only engage with your audience but also with the audience of whoever is distributing your post.
How Can I Distribute My Posts?
Every blog or piece of information that you create should be posted to every social platform where your company has a presence. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, posting to your audience opens up a conversation. Do you have a weekly newsletter? You can easily link your post into your newsletter to draw in your audience this way as well.
To get an even larger reach, connect with leaders in the same industry who are willing to share your content on their platforms. If you are a part of a professional group, speak to your peers about the possibility of posting or linking to your content. This will help you gain a wider reach, but also help them inform their audience about information that is important to them.
Another solution for distribution is to find existing content communities to post your content. These groups often have large and long-standing members who are in these groups because they are seeking the specific type of information that you are providing. This specialized audience checks not only the quantity boxes but also the quality.
Can I Pay to Distribute My Posts?
Of course. Most platforms will have a sponsored content option. This allows you to focus on the audience that you are trying to reach, that may not already be aware of your presence. Paying to sponsor your content will get your posts out to a large and targeted audience and create a conversation on a much larger scale. As your digital marketing company in Chicago, we’re here to help. Contact us to find out more.