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How Google’s AI Overview Feature Will Influence Your Website Traffic

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how users interact with online content. Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE), now called “AI Overviews” in search...

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Google’s Search Document Leak: 11 Ranking Factors to Pay Attention to

In March 2024, the SEO community discovered an unprecedented leak of documents that originate from Google’s internal Content API Warehouse. This cache...

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Just In: Long-Form Content

By now, we all understand the importance of content in helping your business thrive. But how long does content need to be...

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The Importance of Review Management Software

When’s the last time that you willingly purchased a good or service from a company that has negative reviews? If you answered...

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Website Speed & SEO

You’ve heard of site speed, but do you know exactly what it is? Site speed reports how fast users can view and...

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Online Reviews: Get on Board

With the rise of native advertising, suspicious social media content, and more phone and email scams than we can count, consumers are...

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New Google Home Service Ads Coming to Chicago

If you are a Chicago home service provider, you know how important it is to display your business in a reputable way....

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What Local Businesses Need To Know About Google Knowledge Panel

If you use Google, you have more than likely come across the Google Knowledge Panel without even knowing. The Knowledge Panel is...

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EMSC Goes to Google

On October 11-12, the EMSC team was able to go to the Google office in the West Loop of Chicago for an AdWords Bootcamp. Our team spent two days learning about new techniques in AdWords, best practices for our clients, mobile solutions, and much more. At EMSC, we are always looking to continue our education about digital marketing as a whole, and especially with tools that our clients continually use. Although our company is a Google Premier Partner, meaning that we are in the top 3% of all...

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Google AdWords Update

One of the biggest changes Google has introduced as of late is the decision to delete advertisements from the right side of any desktop search, with a few exceptions. Fortunately, with the deletion of side ads, comes the existence of a fourth ad at the top of the page, while there will be three ads at the bottom of the page. Now, this addition is mainly for “highly commercial queries”, meaning for searches where Google believes there is intent to purchase. The exceptions to the deletion of side...

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Google Certified Partners In Chicago

EM Search Consulting is proud to be a Google certified partner. For the past several years we have been certified in adwords, analytics, display advertising and much more. This means we have taken all the test and passed all the proper protocol to run intelligent internet marketing programs for our clients. We are also proud to announce that we rank in the top 5% of all Google partners across the United States. This means that when you hire us to manage your pay-per-click advertising you know you are...

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How Your Small PPC Budget Can Compete

Forbes recently wrote a great article detailing how smaller companies can compete with Pay Per Click advertising against bigger competitors with bigger budgets. A lot of this is routine knowledge for PPC professionals but it is great information to digest if you own a small budget of have ever wondered how your business could possibly compete with the bigger spenders in your area. Basically, think about your biggest profit centers and target more of the precise ways people would search for those products and services. We work with a lot...

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How to Solicit Reviews With Google Plus

If your business is like most businesses then you have probably tried (and possibly failed) to solicit more positive reviews online. Everyone knows that Yelp is a tough review site to crack so you may have tried Google+. Google+ is great because all it requires is a gmail and your customers don't need to have written countless reviews for their glowing sentiment about you to be shown. However, you may have been going about it incorrectly. If you send any type of email marketing or social marketing with...

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Google’s Truth

Before I start this blog I am well aware that I am not concentrating on specific SEO tactics in this entry. The purpose is not to teach you how to do SEO or convince you of my ability. It is simply my take on all the SEO talk I have been reading lately. I have been in the SEO industry for nearly six years and am getting tired of all the white noise associated with Google’s algorithmic changes. The reason I say that is because Google’s ideals have...

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