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Your 2019 Budget & Strategy

The time to say goodbye to 2018 is right around the corner, meaning it’s time to focus our attention on what 2019 has to offer! After the champagne bottles are empty and the confetti is thrown, start to think about how your business could improve in the upcoming year.

Below are some of the top digital marketing trends for 2019:

Online Review Solutions

Online Review Solutions

Review quantity and quality is a primary ranking factor for Google Local Listings. We offer software that helps you get more authentic customer reviews.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are an effective way to build brand awareness and engage with customers through intelligent targeting.

Live Chat

Live Chat Lead Generating Tool

Chats are a lead-generating tool that offers real-time communication with site visitors. Leads are fully trackable in Google Analytics and can be placed on landing pages as an additional CTA.

Secure Hosting

Secure Hosting

Website hosting servers provide the foundation for website operations and are instrumental in improving website speed and optimization. Most big-box web hosting companies offer sub-par, slow and insecure hosting solutions. Ask us about our preferred web hosts and how to seamlessly migrate your site.

YouTube Ads

YouTube Ads

Reach potential customers effectively by targeting those that are already watching or searching for videos related to your business.

Let’s make 2019 your best year yet! Contact your account manager to get the ball rolling after the ball drops. 

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