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How to Recognize a Phishing Scam

We’ve all been there: mindlessly scrolling through our email only to see an unexpected message in your inbox. The subject may be...

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Determining a Smart Marketing Budget

Business owners are often asking themselves how much to budget for marketing expenses. While the answer varies from business to business, there...

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Industries & COVID-19

Here at EM Search Consulting, we are closely monitoring our clients and how COVID-19 has affected them. In addition to our individual...

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Updating Your Digital Marketing Strategy for 2020

One thing that we can always count on regarding digital marketing is that it is ever-changing. Think about it: It wasn’t so long ago that posting to Google+ was an important aspect of a digital marketing strategy. As trends change in the world of digital marketing, make sure that your company is following suit. At EM Search Consulting, we are always researching new trends and ensuring that our clients’ strategy reflects what is important in their industry, as well as what is important to the digital world at...

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Frequently Asked Digital Marketing Questions

In the world of digital marketing, it is nearly impossible to know everything about this ever-changing discipline as a business owner. This...

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Directory Listing Scams

Proper SEO management will include directory listings, which is essentially listing your company on different sites throughout the Internet and making sure...

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Importance of Proper Reporting

When you hire a company for a service, you may get a regular report on your progress. This is common for many...

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Holiday Social Media Etiquette

We are in the full swing of the holidays, meaning that your company’s social media is as well! As you know, what...

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EMSC Goes to Google

On October 11-12, the EMSC team was able to go to the Google office in the West Loop of Chicago for an AdWords Bootcamp. Our team spent two days learning about new techniques in AdWords, best practices for our clients, mobile solutions, and much more. At EMSC, we are always looking to continue our education about digital marketing as a whole, and especially with tools that our clients continually use. Although our company is a Google Premier Partner, meaning that we are in the top 3% of all...

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EMSC at Envision Unlimited

Recently, our team had the opportunity to speak with the amazing staff and volunteers at Envision Unlimited about digital marketing and how to utilize different aspects of social media to get their message out. We will be working with their team to streamline their social accounts, help with email marketing, and much more! What is Envision Unlimited? For those that do not know, Envision Unlimited is an organization in Chicago that aims to provide persons with disabilities or other special needs services that promote choice, independence, and community...

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Google AdWords Update

One of the biggest changes Google has introduced as of late is the decision to delete advertisements from the right side of any desktop search, with a few exceptions. Fortunately, with the deletion of side ads, comes the existence of a fourth ad at the top of the page, while there will be three ads at the bottom of the page. Now, this addition is mainly for “highly commercial queries”, meaning for searches where Google believes there is intent to purchase. The exceptions to the deletion of side...

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